Looking for an exciting extra curricular activity that is fun and interesting to learn?

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_color=”%23ffffff” bottom_padding=”30″]When your child studies Martial Arts they engage in so much more than just learning the basics – they find an enjoyable, supported space where they can make new friends and learn the life skills they will need to prepare them for the years ahead.

It is normal that young children do not have the ability to master their bodies in the same way that adults do. Martial Arts training provides a structured and disciplined sense of adventure for your child, and when they learn with us they do so in a secure, fun and interesting to learn.[/text_block]



Letter from the President

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”12″ top_padding=”0″]I’m the President & Co-Founder of the Moohan Martial Arts Association…

I have a great deal of experience when it comes to both Martial Arts and teaching children this discipline. Do you know what the best part about teaching kids is? Watching them not only grow in their martial arts skills but also as they grow into fine young people due to their training.

One of the biggest misconceptions about what we do is that we only teach children how to fight or defend themselves. These beliefs could not be any further from the truth. The reality is that martial arts is so much more than just about the martial art skills; it’s about developing the personal skills that will help them grow into strong and disciplined individuals. It teaches them all about the skills they need to defend themselves if they need to, but it is also about teaching them life skills that they can carry with them forever.

We teach our students about respect and character. We teach them how to develop confidence. We teach them all about how to focus their energy. Every class that your child takes with us will give them the tools that they need to grow into independent and hard working individuals. With every class they spend with us, they will grow in mind, body, and character.

Take a look around to learn more about martial arts at our location and just how your family can benefit from signing your child up for classes.

Thanks for reading about us![/text_block]

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Master YONG-JUN KIM[/text_block]


East Cumming, West Cumming, Dawsonville, McDonough, Alpharetta

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”20″ font_font=”Oswald” font_style=”300″ font_color=”%23ffffff”]Our martial arts classes are excellent choices for self-defense, discipline, and fitness for all ages & fitness levels.[/text_block]


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”20″ font_style=”italic” top_padding=”0″]TO HELP CHILDREN THAT:[/text_block]
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Are considered hyperactive or ‘bad’ – we can instill the knowledge of how to gain better control of the body and mind through practices used since the times of the ancient Masters!


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Won’t sit still! – if your child is constantly into exploration and causing a little mischief then martial arts is the perfect way to instill a little self discipline after school.


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”12″ font_color=”%23000000″]

Are socially struggling – some children are non-verbal and that’s OK, bring them along because you don’t always need words to make new friends!


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Only children – scientific studies have shown that some only children struggle with things like sharing, Martial Arts is a great way to teach them the importance of such things.



[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]…in fact, parenting is one of the toughest jobs there is. Every day is a struggle between their desire to explore and adventure and their ability for those natural wonders to lead them into potentially dangerous situations.

A good, well structured and enticing martial arts program like ours can offer a sounding board of stability for your child, bringing a secure and exciting new way to learn that will teach them better self control, better self discipline and better social awareness skills, helping set them up for life.[/text_block]



[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_color=”%23ffffff”]Our Martial Arts classes for kids age 3-5 are more than just fun and engaging – they provide a perfect recreational activity that will grow alongside your child! Martial arts have respect and discipline as their core values, but getting to experience the friendships, the thrill of competing, the achievement every time they master a new skill – all of these things can be found in our Kid Tiger classes![/text_block]


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]We understand that every child learns at a different speed and that’s just fine with us. Our highly trained, expert instructors are there to ensure that each and every child gets the individual level of attention that they need to flourish.

Many children who are hyperactive or needlessly aggressive are suffering from some other issue. We find that children who study with us are much less likely to cause trouble in other aspects of their lives. Martial Arts was never just about the fun or the exercise, rather, it is about providing busy brains with a new skill set by which they can make sense of the world around them. Here at Moohan Martial Arts Association, GA that is what we do best!

Besides anything else, Junior Warriors provides a safe and secure space for your child to burn off some of that extra energy![/text_block]


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_color=”%23ffffff”]Martial Arts teaches children to pay attention by active learning. This means that, instead of the classroom environment where everyone sits down to learn, we teach by doing. Even the youngest of children learn quickly when they are learning both from an instructor and from their peers. Focus blossoms here at Junior Warriors!

What children learn from the dojo they will take on into later life, take on to school with them and even take home to their parents a newfound respect inspired by learning Martial Arts. To its very core it is a system of respect and honor, of tradition and adaptability. These are skills you simply can’t learn at that age from anywhere else.[/text_block]


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]As we said before; every action has a reaction, every action has a consequence… every movement has a purpose. Martial Arts train the brain in ways that deal with hand-eye coordination, movement and flexibility – all while teaching core principles and modest values that inspire respect, perception and observance.

Martial Arts has many other important lessons too, such as the power of never giving up. That’s not to say that Kid Tiger teaches stubbornness, but rather we teach the importance of trying, trying and trying again! We teach children how to persist in the face of adversity; and that is a lesson even some of us adults could use![/text_block]



[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Is your child misbehaving in school? Is he/she lashing out or displaying signs of emotional stress? Children who do these things often have too much energy and not enough things to spend it on. This problem is becoming more and more prevalent in a society where video games and television are the norm. In order to rectify it, send your child along to Kids Tiger and let them work that energy harmlessly out of their system.

Our Taekwondo lessons teach children how to spend their emotions in a constructive way, how to manage unruly reactions and how to think about the consequences of the things that they say or do, making them less of a handful all round.[/text_block]


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Our classes for young children are specifically designed to help your child engage in many new social relationships at once. This helps them navigate the complex world of social interaction on a much more controlled level when it comes time to start school – and they might even attend school with some of their newfound friends, giving them the best start possible in the new world they will shortly find themselves in.

Social anxiety is a huge part of shyness in children and we like to think that Moohan Martial Arts Association is doing their bit to eradicate it, one Kids Tiger at a time!

Our martial arts lessons teach children how to spend their emotions in a constructive way, how to manage unruly reactions and how to think about the consequences of the things that they say or do, making them less of a handful all round.[/text_block]


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”15″ font_style=”bold%20italic” bottom_padding=”20″]MOTOR SKILLS AND COORDINATION ARE NECESSARY FOR CHILDREN TO GROW.[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Martial arts is a perfect way to master these skills, which are crucial for the rest of their lives. Their cardiovascular system will be better developed and so will their motor skills. If your child has stronger motor skills, they will be less likely to get injuries and more aware of their bodies[/text_block]


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Children learn how to work together to achieve the same goals, how to help each other through tough learning curves and how to still play against one another while retaining those all important friendships. Healthy competition is a good thing, and the sooner your child learns it the less it is going to hurt.[/text_block]

Martial Arts is Exactly What Our Customers Need

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”15″ font_style=”bold%20italic”]These are just some of the many benefits that your child will receive from getting martial arts training. To sum this all up:[/text_block]
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If kids learn to respect themselves, they will be more likely to respect others.


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Instead of sitting on the couch with their devices, kids can get out and exercise their body while forming bonds with others.


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Kids can develop the confidence that they need to stand up for themselves.


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Students need to memorize the moves in our courses in order to be successful at martial arts. Building up their memorization skills will only help improve their academics.


  • “When our friends told us that they put their kids in martial arts at Moohan Martial Arts Association GA, we were skeptical at first. We didn’t think that it could do everything that was promised in reading through the website. We were wrong! Our kids absolutely love coming to their classes and I notice that they are a lot more confident now.”

  • “Our son was a shy child, who was getting bullied at school. I looked around to see what I could do to help him out of his shell, hoping this would get the bullying to stop. I tried it out and I was totally amazed with the results. He slowly found his voice, giving him confidence to make friends and stand up for himself. Every day I see him grow and it’s thanks to his karate lessons training.”


My child is out of control. Can martial arts help?

Yes. Self-control is essential to the study of martial arts, and our students learn that they must be the masters of their actions and emotions.

I don’t want my child getting into fights. Won’t martial arts make them want to fight?

No. Martial arts has its roots in self-defense, but we teach children that violence is not the answer to their problems.

My child hates sports – won’t they hate martial arts too?

Some kids who come to us are resistant at first, but martial arts instruction is both fun and active. Many kids think that martial artists are cool and that can help them stick with it even if it’s hard at first.

My child hates sports – won’t they hate martial arts too?

Some kids who comes to us are resistant at first, but martial arts instruction is both fun and active. Many kids think that martial artists are cool and that can help them stick with it even if it’s hard at first.

How does martial arts help kids get in shape?

Martial arts classes build core strength and balance while also increasing muscle mass and improving muscle tone. The controlled movements we teach improve kids’ physical fitness with each class they take.

My child is failing in school – how is studying martial arts going to help his grades?

Martial arts training teaches focus, self-discipline, and self-respect. Kids who absorb these lessons carry them everywhere – including the classroom.

Can learning how to punch and kick really help my child with math and spelling?

It can. Sometimes, kids don’t do well in school because they have difficulty focusing or disciplining themselves to study. In our school, they must focus during each class. They learn the value of working toward goals, and that can help them with other subjects, too.

My child really struggles in social situations – won’t they feel left out in the studio?

Nobody is left out in the studio. All students are treated as equals and must respect one another and their instructor. Our martial arts school is a community.

Can a child with serious learning challenges succeed in martial arts?

Yes. The study of martial arts rewards hard work. Our teachers work closely with students, providing them with the individual attention they need to build on their strengths and achieve their goals.

What elements of martial arts instruction teach children to focus?

The study of martial arts requires intense focus and self-discipline. We teach kids that their attitude and focus have far more to do with their success than anything else. Over time, kids who learn martial arts develop the ability to avoid distractions that might keep them from achieving their goals.

Can martial arts help my child have faith in their abilities?

Yes. Kids who study martial arts learn that hard and persistent work pays off. Each small success helps children believe in themselves and have faith they can achieve their next goal.

I’m worried that my child feels inadequate. Will learning martial arts help with self-esteem?

Yes. The way we hold ourselves physically relates directly to how we feel inside. Kids who study martial arts learn to carry themselves with confidence. All students are treated as equals in our martial arts school, which can help build kids’ self-esteem.

Can learning martial arts help my child pay attention in class?

Yes. Kids who study martial arts learn that hard and persistent work pays off. Each small success helps children believe in themselves and have faith they can achieve their next goal.

What skills will my child learn to help themselves do better in school?

Martial arts training teaches focus, discipline, self-control, and respect. These traits help children let go of petty grievances and learn to pay attention to the things that are most important to their future success.

My child isn’t physically coordinated. Will they get hurt?

No. Our instructors are experienced working with children of all abilities and ages. Your child will learn at a pace that is comfortable for them, and in environment that puts their physical safety first.

Can martial arts help my child have faith in their abilities?

Yes. Kids who study martial arts learn that hard and persistent work pays off. Each small success helps children believe in themselves and have faith they can achieve their next goal.

Can martial arts really help my child lose weight?

Yes. Regular physical activity is a must for kids who want to lose weight. Our classes give kids a serious cardiovascular workout and help them burn calories. The training they experience also builds muscle mass which can improve their metabolism.

Will my child learn about healthy eating?

Yes. We talk to kids about the way of life of a successful martial artist. They learn that their bodies can only do what they have fuel to do – and part of that is eating healthy food.

What skills will my child learn to help themselves do better in school?

Martial arts training teaches focus, discipline, self-control, and respect. These traits help children let go of petty grievances and learn to pay attention to the things that are most important to their future success.

My child resists learning anything new – what if they resists learning martial arts, too?

If your child is reluctant, we will work with them to help them register a series of successes to build their confidence. Especially at the beginning, it’s easy for students to advance and see the fruits of their labor. Building on those accomplishments can help even the most reluctant student be enthusiastic about martial arts.

My child isn’t physically coordinated. Will they get hurt?

No. Our instructors are experienced working with children of all abilities and ages. Your child will learn at a pace that is comfortable for them, and in environment that puts their physical safety first.

My child has low self-confidence due to physical challenges. How can martial arts help?

Martial arts instruction focuses on the pursuit of small, achievable goals. Any student can learn martial arts, and our personalized instruction ensures that kids who have physical challenges can still advance.


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When kids respect themselves, they also learn to respect others.


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Martial arts classes get kids off the couch into a setting where they can learn their bodies’ capabilities.


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_color=”%23ffffff”]

In our school, kids need to memorize movements and learn to perform them in sequence, a skill that translates to the classroom.


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_color=”%23ffffff”]

Martial arts instruction builds core strength and gives kids greater control over their bodies.


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_color=”%23ffffff”]

Martial arts instruction builds on kids’ core strengths and helps them believe in themselves.


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_color=”%23ffffff”]

Kids learn how to stand up for themselves with confidence and authority.


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_color=”%23ffffff”]

Learning martial arts builds physical stamina and strength, two key components of physical fitness.


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_color=”%23ffffff”]

The focus and discipline required to learn martial arts helps kids avoid distractions at school.


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Kids with disabilities thrive in a setting where all students must respect one another and their instructors.


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Constant instruction and reminders to focus help kids stay in the moment and avoid distractions.


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_color=”%23ffffff”]

Martial arts classes get kids off the couch into a setting where they can learn their bodies’ capabilities.


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_color=”%23ffffff”]

An intense martial arts workout can burn 600 calories or more, helping kids drop excess weight.


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Kids who learn martial arts must respect their teachers, and that increases their ability to learn.


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The memorization and focus that are a part of every class helps kids with special needs test the limits of their abilities.


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Kids must pay attention to learn proper martial arts techniques and advance toward their goals.


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_color=”%23ffffff”]

In our school, kids need to memorize movements and learn to perform them in sequence, a skill that translates to the classroom.


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Martial arts training increases muscle mass – and muscle burns more calories than fat and accelerates weight loss.


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_color=”%23ffffff”]

Children who study martial arts learn not to make excuses – instead, they learn from their mistakes and build on their knowledge in a controlled setting.


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Kids learn to believe in themselves and to see what they have in common with other kids.


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Mental focus and physical focus go hand in hand – kids who learn to maintain physical focus learn to focus their brains, too.



[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_color=”%23ffffff” bottom_padding=”20″]Get started today with our EXCLUSIVE offer!
Request more information today to find out how you or your child can start training![/text_block]



[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_color=”%23ffffff”]Moohan Martial Arts Association, GA is licensed KUKKIWON school, international governing body of Taekwondo from KOREA.  Our Masters and instructor are officially certified and we are a World Taekwondo Federation school, governing body of official Olympic Sport Taekwondo.[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_color=”%23ffffff”]TEL: (770) 888-4244

EMAIL: mymoohan@hotmail.com

1680 Buford Hwy
Cumming, GA 30041[/text_block]


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Kids Tiger [Age 3-5]
Junior TKD [Age 6-12]
Teen & Adult Martial Arts
Family Program


